Seeing Groundhog Shadows on Your Property?

Let our groundhog removal expert take care of things for your property in southeastern New Hampshire or northeastern Massachusetts

We may rely on groundhogs to tell us when spring is coming, but in reality, their presence isn't always so endearing. Groundhogs can be a nuisance and cause you some serious headaches. Fortunately, BestWay Wildlife Control can take care of them for you.

You can depend on us when these rodents are:

  • Tearing up your lawn with their burrows
  • Eating plants growing in your garden
  • Chewing through important electrical wiring
With over 10 years of experience, we know how to remove these animals safely without causing any more damage to your property.

If you want your groundhogs removed ASAP, then reach out to us today to set up an appointment.

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Avoid future infestations

What's worse than having a groundhog infestation? Having another infestation just months after you got rid of the first one. That's why at BestWay Wildlife Control, we help to not just remove animals, but also to prevent them from returning. We'll work with you to help go over what steps can be taken to avoid any future infestations.

Want to learn more about preventing repeat infestations? Talk to our wildlife control expert today.